This allows you to open the RSLinx Classic app and change settings.

RSLinx attempts to run automatically when clients attempt to connect. This assumes RSLinx is configured to run as a service already. If you come across a SCADA server that is using RSLinx and it is no longer working here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try to get it working again. RSLinx can have only one instance running at a time. NOTE: When you do this you will no longer be able to open the RSLinx Classic project editor. Rockwell provides a handy control panel for this. Once your project is configured, setup RSLinx to run “as a service” on the computer you are using.Not only is this required but doing this will make accessing tags easier (if you chose a user friendly alias). Make sure that the PLC you want to talk to has a DDE/OPC topic shortcut or alias configured inside RSLinx.If you have RSLinx installed and are using it as an OPC server there are a few things you need to do: However, it can also be used as an OPC server for various OPC clients, such as ClearSCADA, etc. Typically it is used solely with Rockwell and Allen Bradley products. It allows users to connect to Allen Bradley PLCs and PACs as well as Panelview Plus HMIs and other equipment that speaks Ethernet IP, DF1 or DH+ (and their variants).

Rockwell Software’s RSLinx is the communication hub for their RSLogix and FactoryTalk programming suites.